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Why should you support MEEI nowadays?

The mission of Mar Elias Educational Institutions is significant and impactful because it extends far beyond merely imparting knowledge. It shapes students' lives, influences the community, and contributes to broader societal goals. However, more than in previous times, the mission of MEEI is relevant and needed in these harsh times of armed conflict, for it plays a crucial role in mitigating the negative impacts of conflict and shaping a more stable and peaceful future. Here are some of the key reasons why the role of MEEI is unique in particular nowadays:

  • Promoting Tolerance, Understanding, and conflict resolution: the role of MEEI is crucial in promoting tolerance and understanding among the different communities in Israel, primarily between Arabs and Jews. By fostering a spirit of inclusivity and acceptance, MEEI reminds the students through its pedagogical quest that peace and harmony are needed in our everydayness and future in this land, which has known fierce conflicts in the past decades. MEEI teaches the value of dialogue, peace, and cooperation, essential during the war and working toward post-war reconciliation in Galilee in particular.
  • Hope and Normalcy: schools can provide a sense of normalcy and routine for students during this fragile period, whereby students experience a sense of upheaval. Education gives them a structured environment, purpose, and hope for the future.
  • Preserving Knowledge: Education is a repository of knowledge, and keeping this knowledge is essential. Historical and cultural heritage is at risk during the war, mainly to the mass quantities of videos about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict the students are exposed to.
  • Empowerment: Education empowers individuals. It equips students with knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities that can help them navigate the challenges of war and its aftermath. It can also empower them to contribute positively to their communities, knowing that these times have a negative impact on so many individuals and families in Ibillin and the towns nearby.
  • Building Resilience: Education helps students develop resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving skills. Those values assisted the students in overcoming the hardships brought by COVID-19. Similarly, during these times, these qualities are vital in times of crisis and can help individuals and communities weather the challenges brought by war.
  • Supporting Mental Health: The structured environment of a school provides a sense of stability and support for students who may be dealing with trauma and stress, especially since Ibillin and Shfoamer have recently experienced a strong notion of tension. School, therefore, offers a safe space to express emotions and seek counseling when necessary.