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Friends of MEEI


The Mission of Pilgrims of Ibillin is to support the Mar Elias Educational Institutions and other mission projects that cultivate a just peace in Israel and Palestine. Pilgrims of Ibillin provides this support through financial resources, education, and peace building projects.

The Pilgrims of Ibillin have worked primarily but not exclusively with Mar Elias Educational Institutions (MEEI) in the village of Ibillin, in the Galilee region of northern Israel. MEEI’s founder, Father Elias Chacour, articulated a goal that perfectly embodies the mission of Pilgrims: “We intend to build peace on the desktops of children.”

Goals of Pilgrims of Ibillin

  • 1. Pilgrims invests in future leaders by funding MEEI scholarships and infrastructure for 1000+ students, thus developing their capacities to become effective catalysts for peace in their home communities and upon graduation.
  • 2. Strengthen local society through targeted educational programs for 10,000+ community members and/or students of all faiths and traditions that focus on strengthening peace- making, reconciliation and inter-religious dialogue among Palestinian and Israelis.
  • 3. Facilitate pilgrimages for 150+ aspiring peacemakers to Israel and Palestine each year to support a just-peace through engagement with the “living stones” and peacemakers in the Holy Lands and build bridges for peace among our pilgrimage partners.

Philanthropic gifts and support have been the hallmark of the relationship between the Pilgrims of Ibillin and Mar Elias Schools since the early ‘90s. In 2020 the Pilgrims of Ibillin granted the Mar Elias Educational Institutions a total of $456,033 to contribute towards renovations in the high school and junior high. Pilgrims also supports MEEI every year with funds to offer tuition assistance to families who do not have the ability otherwise to provide an exceptional education for their ambitious children.

Pilgrims of Ibillin’s partnership with Mar Elias Educational Institutions remains strong and continues to evolve. “We have big dreams for the future of the Mar Elias schools our peace partners, and the possibility of a just and lasting peace in Israel and Palestine.”

You can learn more about Pilgrims of Ibillin by clicking here.


Desktops for Peace principally supports the Mar Elias multicultural schools which are a shining beacon of hope for all the people in the Bible Lands & around the World. Here students of all religions gather daily not just to get a fine education but also to work together to promote peace, justice and reconciliation in the Middle East.

Our name derives from the school’s slogan: ‘Building peace on the desktops of children’.

You can learn more about Desktops For Peace by clicking here.


ASHRAY is supporting schools and reconciliation projects in Galilee founded by Archbishop Em Dr Elias Chacour educating children of all races and religions in reconciliation through respect for each other brought about by close relations in the classroom and playground, forming friendships and recognising the need to strive for a common, just future.

The UK Charity Supporting the Peace Building Initiatives Founded by Archbishop Elias Chacour, Educating for Peace in the Holy Land.

You can learn more about Ashray by clicking here.


When, we saw the immense efforts and the success led by Archbishop Elias Chacour to build not only a school, a beautiful church, the refunding of a parish, but mostly a Christian community shining on the whole Galilea, l’Oeuvre d’Orient rallied the project and funded it as far as it could. Founded in 1856,our French Association aims at helping the Oriental Christians in 23 countries to affirm the presence of the Gospel and the works it advocates where the Christian presence is certainly a minority, but their role is crucial. Therefore, we were reinforced in this choice to help the wonderful project of Mar Elias in Ibillin in its educational mission, but well beyond, its contribution to peace. The success of the project therefore is fully in our mission and we are happy each year to contribute financially to its consolidation.

You can learn more by clicking here.