Mar Elias Educational Institutions
Ibillin - Galilee

Support MEEI

Support MEEI

Your gifts allow us to sustain the life of our students for the Government funding we receive annually is less than half the total cost of educating our students. Thus, the students, faculty, and administration of MEEI appreciate your support. Online donations can be made on this website or via the Friends of Mar Elias Educational Institutions.


- $340/year (or $34/month) will support a student enrolled at Mar Elias High School.

- More than 65% of High School students receive scholarships based on financial need. Scholarship assistance is always needed for students whose families are unemployed or underemployed in difficult economic times.

- $680 provides a year's tuition for one student, and $50 gives one family from beyond Ibillin a transportation subsidy to help with bus fees.

- Scholarships are currently offered by the Pilgrims of Ibillin and also the Israeli Ministry of Education but assistance is sought to extend the offering of scholarships to needy students.

If you are from the United States or the United Kingdom and wish to donate directly through the Friend's website to ensure that you receive all the relevant tax credits and benefit, please click on the relevant Friends link below:

If you would like to make a donation directly via this website, please complete the form below.

You can also donate via Paypal by pressing on the button below:

Donate via Paypal Donate Image

For Direct bank transfers please contact our office at:

Account with bank: BANK LEUME LE ISRAEL B.M


Branch no. 908

Branch Add. IBILLIN


acc .no IBAN: IL200109080000006290054

You may use the donation form on this page to donate using credit cards.